(618) 692-9745

Demographics – Labor Force


Madison and St. Clair counties remain the second most populous region in the State of Illinois with a combined population of over 539,000 according to census.gov. The counties represent 1/4 of the population of the total St. Louis Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA). The median household income, per capita income, and educational attainment including earning a bachelor’s degree or higher also continue to rise.

Labor Force

The labor force is defined as those individuals, employed or looking for work, who live in the area represented. Southwestern Illinois has a well-trained and dynamic labor force, positive labor-management relations and excellent quality of life, all which contribute to success in Southwestern Illinois. In addition, programs such as the Leadership Council’s Building Workforce 2030 program has significantly impacted over 40,000+ students, teachers, school administrators, residents, and community leaders within Southwestern Illinois and surrounding communities focusing on building awareness and career pathways to STEM and Vocational Skills acquisition and job placement.

Below are the counties in Southwestern Illinois and links to the Economic Research Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, which charts the data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.