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The Covid 19 virus has resulted in many parents and educators concerned that our children have lost a year academically because of school and other closures.  As a response to those concerns, the Illinois Ambassadors of the “Learn the Signs, Act Early” program (an initiative of the Center for Disease Control) has put together a collection of resources that can assist parents in working with education professionals to endure that our kids are on track.

The CDC’s “Learn the Signs, Act Early” initiative is working to increase the number of children identified early who would benefit from early intervention.

A free resource kit is available.  The kit contains:

  • A Milestones Moment Booklet
  • A Milestones checklist from Ages 2 months through 5 years
  • One Baby Board Book
  • Two paperback books from children ages 2 years and 3 years
  • A flyer for the CDCs Milestones Tracker App
  • “Look What I Can Do” growth chart
  • “Look What I Can Do” refrigerator magnet
  • Early Intervention information brochure from Child Find

These materials, as well as online ordering for the kits, can be accessed through the CDC’s website by clicking on the link below.

“Learn the Signs. Act Early.” | CDC